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Based on the stories from The i'Mpossible Project...

The #1 new release on Amazon, January 2016

Order a paperback at Amazon_ or Chapters (Canada) or an e-book at Barnes & Noble, iBooks (Apple), Chapters (Canada), and Kindle Storytelling is one of our oldest traditions. Stories can make us laugh or cry… or both at the same time. They can teach, inspire and even ignite an entire movement.The i’Mpossible Project is a collection of powerful stories. They’re gritty, deep, heartwarming—and guaranteed to help you discover new possibilities in your life.

These stories are all about overcoming obstacles, reengaging with life, and creating new possibilities—a son’s homicide, a transgender man finding love, coming back from the brink of suicide, finding your funny in the face of overwhelming odds, and more…

A Straight, White Guy Singing About (College) Diversity Keynote Program is based on the storytelling in Volume 1 of The i’Mpossible Project: Reengaging With Life, Creating a New You. Why diversity through storytelling? Stories Break Down Stigma. The world becomes smaller. “That black guy,” “that lesbian-chick,” “that snarky-writer-guy who talks about suicide;” they all now have a name. David. Jamie. Josh. Each of these people has wants and needs, to live, to love, to survive and thrive just like everyone else.

Learning Objectives

  • This program aims to support a diverse population on campus—in order to help students improve both academic and social engagement, along with overall satisfaction with their college experience.
  • To highlight services and support to students who identify as: international, multicultural, disabled and differently abled, and/or LGBTI.
  • To serve as a resource to help expand campus diversity and extend its benefits to the broader community.
  • To serve as a valued partner in educating students, faculty, and staff about the benefits of cultural competency and the impact of cultural, social, racial, and ethnic differences on campus and in the community.

Perfect For

  • Diversity Month
  • Diversity Week
  • First Year Experience
  • Student Orientation
  • MLK Day of Service
  • LGBT Awareness Week
  • Disabilities
  • Mental Health