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Suicide Prevention

Kicking My Blue Genes in the Butt

A keynote/program that combines Broadway-Style theatre with suicide prevention and mental health education. It has toured 75+ locations across North America, Europe, and Australia.

It is a 90 minute, 3 component keynote/program: Part 1) Theatre 15 character, 7 song one-man Broadway-style play Kicking My Blue Genes In The Butt that’s comedic and poignant and discusses both Josh's grandfather's and father’s tragic suicides. It’s a primal piece of live-storytelling that creates an emotional connection to the powerful message that mental wellness is attainable and suicide is preventable.

Part 2) A keynote session where Josh discusses suicide prevention; intervention tactics from some of his own lived experience, and tips for resilience and positive mental health and living mentally well.

Part 3) A Q&A session